abbreviations "Tr" - a traditional, usually academic definition or symbol "Ex-" - example
A the Alto voice in a choir.
ALTERNATION (of Beats and Off-beats) Qualitative Dimension in the World of Time
AMPHIBRACH A 3-syllable word consisting of Off-beat/Beat/Off-beat (Ex- "tomorrow"). see Scansion
ANACRUSIS see Pick-up ANAPEST A 3-syllable word consisting of Off-beat/Off-beat/Beat (Ex- "afternoon"). see Scansion
ANTE-1 (-2-3) The chord which precedes the DOMINANT in its normal resolution to the TONIC (Tr- the chord of "ii"), the Ante-2 (Tr- the chord of "vi") precedes the Ante-1, and the Ante-3 (Tr- the chord of "iii") precedes the Ante-2.
ANTICIPATION The displacement of a note in TIME, by placing (performing) it sooner than its normal, original position
AUGMENTATION A form of Chromaticism (a Transformation in Harmony)
AUGMENTED Tr- Larger, see Interval