Introduction/Reference/The Use of Color

The spectrum of color, from one end to the other, will be used in different ways in the various sections of this site. Color will not only be used in the text, but also in the diagrams, tables, and music examples.


Here color distinguishes the small levels (Levels -1, -2, -3...)
     from the large levels (Levels 0, +1, +2, +3...)
          especially from Level 0, the most important.

Generation of the 4 Strong Modes

Here color identifies the three mode parameters -
     the Window Parameter, with its Diatonic and Chromatic Modes,
     the Mode Parameter, with its Major and Minor Modes,
     the Direction Parameter, with its Flattening and Sharpening Modes.


Here color represents the degree of "flatness" or "sharpness" of a note, with all the intermediate steps.

Chord Components

Here color identifies each of the 4 members of a chord -
     the COMMON TONE, which is common to both chords of the progression,
     the PROPER TONE, which is specific to each chord of the progression,
     the MEDIAN (third) - which is placed in the FRAME of the first two members,
     the MOTRIX (seventh or sixth) - which imparts movement to the chord.
This color code will be used for all sections on Harmony and Melody.
     Note that the chrominicism of the MEDIAN, and not its color,
          will determine the mode - major or minor.

Just Intonation

Here color identifies the form of tuning -
     Trunk Tuning (Pythagorean), which generates all COMMON TONEs and PROPER TONEs,
          and from which is borrowed most MOTRIXs.
     Short Branch Tuning (natural), which generates all MEDIANs, major, minor, diatonic, chromatic.
     Long Branch Tuning (also natural), which generates all chromatic MOTRIXs,
          and from which is borrowed the diatonic major seventh.

This color code has a lot in common with the Chord Components code,
     but it concentrates on the origin and tuning of a note rather than on its function.
It will only be used in the Just Intonation section.

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