abbreviations "Tr" - a traditional, usually academic definition or symbol "Ex-" - example
DACTYL A 3-syllable word consisting of Beat/Off-beat/Off-beat (Ex- "yesterday"). see Scansion
DIAD A 2-note chord, occasionally only the notes of the FRAME (the COMMON TONE and the PROPER TONE), but more frequently the PROPER TONE (tripled) and the MEDIAN
DIAGRAMS Used in Harmony to illustrate chordal and voice-leading relationships (in the Window and in Jordan Triangles)
DIATONIC SYSTEM The seven adjacent notes in the Series of Fifths bounded by the Window. All notes ouside of the Window are considered Chromatic
DIMENSIONS for definitions of the 6 Dimensions, see Worlds
DIMINISHED Tr- Smaller, see Interval
DIMINUTION A form of Chromaticism (a Transformation in Harmony) in which Orbit 1 and Orbit 3 are chromaticized to bring them closer to their resolution
DIRECTION (OF RESOLUTION) The direction (either flattening, "downward", or sharpening, "upward"), in which one chord resolves to the next.
DIVISION A generative procedure in Melo-rhythm in which note-values are divided, producing the next-smaller rhythmic level.
- The only strong Tetrad in a diatonic system (written "DOMINANT", placed, in the Window, above the TONIC in diatonic major,
and below the TONIC in diatonic minor).
- ATetradwhich produces a strong resolution (with an augmented fourth between its Secondary Notes, theMEDIANand theMOTRIX).
- Tr- Degree V of the diatonic scale, in diatonic major or in chromatic minor.
- Tr- The chord (Triad or Tetrad) built on this degree (V).
DOMINANTIZATION The principal form of Chromaticism (a Transformation in Harmony), in which either the MEDIAN or the MOTRIX is chromaticized to give weak chords dominant strength
DOT 1. A sign placed after a note-value creating a dotted-note. 2. An abbreviation of the the term "dotted rhythm" used to designate
a 2-note rhythm in which the first note is dotted and the second is half-length, the opposite of a snap.
DOTTED-NOTE 50% longer duration than the original note. see Note-values
DURATION Quantitative Dimension in the World of Time (measured with note-values)
DYNAMICS Energy (ie. Volume) accentuation of a performance, in Time, a specific aspect of Orchestration.