abbreviations "Tr" - a traditional, usually academic definition or symbol "Ex-" - example
e Abbreviation for an . see Note-values
E Abbreviation for an .
ELEVENTH Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency) see Interval
ENERGY One of the 3 Worlds of Music - its Quantitative Dimension is the Volume of a note and its Qualitative Dimension is the Timbre
of the note. This world is more pertinent to performance than to the actual structure of a piece of music.
ENTITIES Sections which come to a close or cadence and are perceived as wholes, in Melo-rhythm, Melo-harmony, and Melo-lines, preferably of different lengths.
EQUI-TEMPERED TUNING The octave is divided into 12 equal semi-tones (diatonic or chromatic), each interval maintaining a constant size. see Intonation