abbreviations "Tr" - a traditional, usually academic definition or symbol "Ex-" - example
FEMININE RHYME A cell possesses a Feminine Rhyme if its Beat's note-value is subdivided, usually in two equal parts.
FIFTH Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency), see Interval FIFTHS (SERIES OF) The fundamental structure of the World of Pitch in which all the notes are strung together, like a string of pearls, each
at a distance of a perfect fifth from the others.
FIFTEENTH Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency) see Interval FISSION A generative procedure in Melo-rhythm in which a cell is split, producing an Off-beat identical to the Beat, with a breath between the two.
FLAT 1. A chromatic semi-tone lower. 2. Symbol which designates a chromatic semi-tone lower.
FOOTSIES Alternating movement of the feet (and balancing of the body), at any rhythmic level, to denote the Beats (on the right foot)
and the Off-beats (on the left foot). see Beat and Off-beat
FOURTH Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency) see Interval
FOURTEENTH Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency) see Interval
FRAME (OF A CHORD) Composed of the 2 Primary Notes of the chord (the root and the fifth) in which one note will be the COMMON TONE and the other the PROPER TONE, depending on the direction of the chord's resolution.
FREQUENCY Quantitative Dimension in the World of Pitch (measured in hertz)
FUNCTION The role which en element plays within its immediate surroundings in harmony, usually a note in a chord, or a chord in a diatonic system, and in rhythm, the nature of Alternation at any given moment. In a generative approach, all notes (and chords) are functional (both rhythmically and harmonically). see Chordal Function and Tonal Function and see Alternation .
FUNCTIONAL TUNING Just Intonation Tuning in which each note is tuned according to its harmonic (and possibly melodic) function - FRAME notes (COMMON TONE and PROPER TONE) and MOTRIXs will be tuned in Trunk Tuning MEDIANs (diatonic and chromatic) will be tuned in Short Branch Tuning, major medians one comma lower, minor medians one comma higher than Trunk Tuning Chromatic MOTRIXs will be tuned in Long Branch Tuning, diminished sevenths 2 commas higher and augmented sixths 2 commas lower than Trunk Tuning Melodies are usually tuned in Trunk Tuning
FUSION A generative procedure in Melo-rhythm in which two (or more) cells are joined into one Entity.