abbreviations "Tr" - a traditional, usually academic definition or symbol "Ex-" - example
LEADING TONE 1. Tr. Degree VII of a scale, major or minor. 2. In MusicNovatory defined as the 2 notes placed at a semi-tone distance from the FRAME of a given chord, usually the TONIC.
LEVEL CHANGE SYNDROME (THE) Changing level (either to smaller or larger) without the appropriate adjustment of bringing the smaller level in sooner or
bringing the larger level in later
LEVELS (RHYTHMIC) see Rhythmic Levels LEVEL 0 The most important level, the smallest of the large rhythmic levels to start on an Off-Beat and end on a Beat, without notes
in the melody longer than the beats of the level, consisting uniquely of rhythmic cells.
LONG BRANCH TUNING The result of using the interval of major third twice. It is reserved for chromatic MOTRIXs. Diminished sevenths will be tuned 2 commas higher than Trunk Tuning and augmented sixths 2 commas lower. Part of Functional Tuning.