abbreviations "Tr" - a traditional, usually academic definition or symbol "Ex-" - example
MAJOR 1. Tr- large, see Interval. 2. Tr- Form of Triad with the major (large) third placed below the minor (small) third. 3. Tr- Form of Mode whose TONIC chord (I) is major. see Modes MASCULINE RHYME A cell possesses a Masculine Rhyme if its note-value of its Beat remains intact.
MEDIAN (Tr- third of a chord) see Chordal Function
MELODY One of the 3 structures of Music, combining Rhythm and Harmony, from whose voice-leading it evolves, becoming far more sophisticated,
the flower of music.
MELO-HARMONY The choice of harmony (chord pattern) in a melody
MELO-LINES The choice of Voice-leading Lines (from the chord pattern) in a melody
MELO-RHYTHM The choice of note-values in a melody
MELO-RHYTHM CODE Abbreviated MRC, this code uses the first letter of the word-name to represent a note-value - , , ,
MELO-RHYTHMIC BOX A graphic representation of the Melo-rhythm of a specific song, in which each syllable of the lyrics is placed in its individual
METAMORPHOSIS A Transformation in Harmony, in which the analysis of a chord is not the same with respect to what precedes and with respect
to what follows.
MEXICAN 4-CELL REPEAT A case of repetition of antecedent melodic entities, from the bridge of Mexican Hat Dance (with 4 cells of II7 / V, II7 / V, II7 / V, II7 / V)
MI-MI-MA A particular form of Entity composed of two small and one large (double-size) part.
MINOR 1. Tr- small, see Interval. 2. Tr- Form of Triad with the major (large) third placed above the minor (small) third. 3. Tr- Form of Mode whose TONIC chord (I) is minor. see Modes MODES There are 4 strong modes, with a strong DOMINANT-TONIC cadence. The diatonic Major Mode (with predominantly flattening progressions), the most common and the most fundamental. The diatonic Minor Mode (with predominantly sharpening progressions), an exact inversion of the diatonic Major Mode. The chromatic Minor Mode (with predominantly flattening progressions), the most common minor mode. The chromatic Major Mode (with predominantly sharpening progressions), the most unusual of the four.
Sometimes understood as a cadence with its dominant to a chord other than the main TONIC,
a modulation is better defined as a travel to a different circle, a circle shift.
As there are several kinds of modulations like those that change key (ex: the second theme of the sonata form),
those that do not (the bridge of some popular songs), as well as key changes that occur suddenly,
without a modulation (ex: in some trios), as also, the shifting techniques and processes can vary,
MusicNovatory naturally prefers using more specific terms to describe these different phenomena.
MOTRIX (Tr- seventh or sixth) see Chordal Function
MRC See Melo-Rhythm Code MULTIPLICATION A generative procedure in Melo-rhythm, in which a section is copied, producing the next-larger rhythmic level.
MUSIC An intuitive natural phenomenon operating in the 3 Worlds of Time, Pitch, Energy, and under the 3 distinct and interrelated organization structures of Rhythm, Harmony, and Melody.
An interactive web document presenting the science of the
Music phenomenon in 5 volumes, that include
a comprehensive Introduction, a volume for each of the organization structures of Music
(ie. Rhythm, Harmony, Melody), as well as an extended Applications volume.
(pronounced mooziketso in Esperanto) signifies the essence of music, and is composed of the structures of Rhythm, Harmony, and Melody.
The word "mystery" is usually defined as "something unknown, unexplained, or incomprehensible in its nature", but we prefer
"a phenomenon which science has not yet elucidated".