There are 4 principal processes of Chord Pattern Transformation - 1. Opening, 2. Tenant Chords, 3. Shadows, and 4. Pasting.
1. Opening
1a.Opening consists of repeating each chord - DOMINANT, DOMINANT / TONIC, TONIC - and then placing the last (TONIC) chord, as an anacrusis, at the beginning, producing a smaller rhythmic level - TONIC / DOMINANT DOMINANT // TONIC.
Chord Pattern 34 (a swing between the two same chords, C6 / G G7 // C)
Antecedent-Consequent The first cell 3 (C6 / G) is the antecedent which opens the harmony. The second cell 4 (G7 // C) is the consequent which closes the harmony. The DOMINANT chord on the Beat of the first cell (G) is a form of Langer Hinge.
Symmetry Note the inverse symmetry between the 2 cells (the antecedent and the consequent), one progression sharpening, and one progression flattening, the essence of the Swing.
Note the single bar-line in the 3, where there is only the “drop” of Level 0, and the double bar-line in the 4, where there are the “drops” of Level 0 and Level +1. (By “drop” we evidently mean the passing from the Off-beat to the Beat.)
Examples This chord pattern is extremely popular, and the astute listener will find it everywhere, from Neapolitan songs Carnival of Venice - 3434, to Mexican tunes La Raspa - 3434, Folkloric staples Down In The Valley - 34 Oh Where, Oh Where - 3434, as well as A great variety of classical music.
Twice 1b.Opening again would produce, at a still smaller rhythmic level - TONIC / TONIC TONIC // DOMINANT DOMINANT / DOMINANT DOMINANT /// TONIC.
Chord Pattern 5324, with an antecedent composed of 53 (C / C C6 // G), and a consequent composed of 24 (G / G G7 /// C). The DOMINANT chord Langer Hinge is now on the Beat of the second cell.
Note the triple bar-line at the end, for Level +2.
Examples Another big favorite - Laura's Theme (from Dr. Ghivago) - 5324, Polly Wolly Doodle - 5324 5324, La Raspa - 5324, La Cucaracha - 5324, Mexican Hat Dance - 5324, Rudolf, The Red-Nose Reindeer - 5324. Rossini couldn’t live without the 5324 pattern. In his Overtures, at least one of the two themes, sometimes both are on this Chord Pattern. Not to forget a lot of Waltzes.
The same pattern
1c. It is quite evident that these three patterns are the same at different levels.
Starting from the bottom and working up will enable you to perceive the process of opening. This clearly indicates that all the levels meet at the end and not at the beginning.
2. Tenant Chords
Placing a Tenant Chord consists of - Replacing the first part of a subdivided chord by another chord, immediately sharper (superior) or flatter (inferior) than the original in the Window, which resolves to the "true chord" on the second part. This is the harmonic equivalent of the Non-chordal Tones in Harmony - Transformations. By placing a Tenant Chord, it is possible to transform the fundamental 34 chord pattern, in which the 2 DOMINANT chords (in the middle) occupy the complete Off-beat of the 4 at the large level.
A sharper Tenant
The 74 Pattern 2a. If the tenant chord on Chord Pattern 34 is sharper (superior), the first DOMINANTchord will be replaced by an ANTE-1 (formerly a COUNTER transformed by a Metamorphosis 4) TONIC / COUNTER (ANTE-1) DOMINANT // TONIC
and this will produce Chord Pattern 74 , (C+7 / F6Dm7 G7 // C)
with an antecedent composed of Progression 7 (C+7 / F6Dm7), and a consequent composed of Progression 4 (G7 // C). In the sound file, Voice-leading C is used between tetrads. The COUNTER chord on the Beat of the first cell (F6) is now the Langer Hinge.
Symmetry Note the direct symmetry between the 2 cells (the antecedent and the consequent), two flattening progressions, three with the ANTE-1 / DOMINANT progression between the cells, the essence of the Circle.
Examples This is another very popular chord pattern (the traditional I-IV-V-I), a folkloric staple - Little Brown Jug - 7474 The chorus of My Bonnie - 7474 Aura Lee - 74 Certainly one of BACH’s favorites.
Opening The 74
2a1. Opening Chord Pattern 74 will produce, at a smaller rhythmic level - TONIC / TONIC TONIC // COUNTER ANTE-1 / DOMINANT DOMINANT // TONIC. There is an open Metamorphosis 4 in the center.
Chord Pattern 5714 with an antecedent composed of Chord Pattern 57 (C / C C+7 // F6 ), and a consequent composed of Chord Pattern 14 (Dm7 / G G7 /// C). Here again we see, at three rhythmic levels, the generation of 5714 from the original 4, where the Tenant Chord is indicated in solid black.
Another Tenant 2a1a. Placing a flatter (inferior) tenant chord, on the first DOMINANT of 5714 will produce TONIC / TONIC TONIC // COUNTER COUNTER / TONIC DOMINANT /// TONIC. There is no more Metamorphosis 4.
Chord Pattern 5764 with the same antecedent composed of Chord Pattern 57 (C / C C+7 // F6 ), but with a new consequent composed of Chord Pattern 64 (F6 / C G7 /// C). You will notice, in the sound file, that, on Chord 6, the Fundamental Bass is that of the original DOMINANT proprietor (G) and not that of the TONIC tenant (C) to clearly distinguish it from the last TONIC of rest at the end. This is commonly called the "cadential 64 chord", with notes a sixth and a fourth above the bass note.
Here again we see, at three rhythmic levels, the generation of the 5764 from the original 4 where both Tenant Chords (one sharper and one flatter) are indicated in solid black (one Tenant Chord is even indicated in the 74).
Examples This 5764 pattern is used far more often than the original 5714. Over The Waves - 5324 5764 Bill Bailey - 5324 5764
A Flatter Tenant
The 54 Pattern 2b. If the tenant chord on Chord Pattern 34 is flatter (inferior), the first DOMINANT chord will be replaced by a TONIC chord TONIC / TONIC DOMINANT // TONIC
and this will produce Chord Pattern 54, (C / C6 G7 // C)
with an antecedent composed of Progression 5 (C / C6), and a consequent composed of Progression 4 (G7 // C). The TONIC chord on the Beat of the first cell is now the Langer Hinge.
Examples Mary Had A Little Lamb - 5454 Tarara-Boom-Diay - 5454 London Bridge - 5454
Opening The 54
2b1. Opening Chord Pattern 54 will produce, at a smaller rhythmic level - TONIC / TONIC TONIC // TONIC TONIC / DOMINANT DOMINANT /// TONIC.
Chord Pattern 5534 with an antecedent composed of Chord pattern 55 (C / C C // C), and a consequent composed of Chord pattern 34 (C6 / G G7 /// C). Here again we see, at three rhythmic levels, the generation of the 5534 from the original 4 where the Tenant Chord is indicated in solid black.
Another Tenant 2b1a. Placing a sharper (superior) tenant chord, on the first DOMINANT of 5534 will produce TONIC / TONIC TONIC // TONIC TONIC / COUNTER(ANTE-1) DOMINANT /// TONIC.
Chord Pattern 5574 with the same antecedent composed of Chord Pattern 55 (C / C C // C), but with a new consequent composed of Chord Pattern 74 (C+7 / F6Dm7 G7 /// C). Here again we see, at three rhythmic levels, the development of the 5574 from the original 4 where both Tenant Chords (one flatter and one sharper) are indicated in solid black (one Tenant Chord is even indicated in the 54).
This 5574 pattern is used more often than the original 5534.
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We have presented, in detail, the generation of the most fundamental and popular 4-cell Chord Patterns. You might enjoy seeing for yourself how the others are generated.
Table Of 4-Cell Patterns
5494 |
5594 |
5694 |
3384 |
5384 |
7384 |
3774 |
5774 |
7774 |
5474 |
5574 |
5674 |
3394 |
5394 |
7394 |
3784 |
5784 |
7784 |
5484 |
5584 |
5684 |
3374 |
5374 |
7374 |
3794 |
5794 |
7794 |
5424 |
5524 |
5624 |
3314 |
5314 |
7314 |
3734 |
5734 |
7734 |
5434 |
5534 |
5634 |
3324 |
5324 |
7324 |
3714 |
5714 |
7714 |
5414 |
5514 |
5614 |
3334 |
5334 |
7334 |
3724 |
5724 |
7724 |
5444 |
5544 |
5644 |
3364 |
5364 |
7364 |
3754 |
5754 |
7754 |
5454 |
5554 |
5654 |
3344 |
5344 |
7344 |
3764 |
5764 |
7764 |
5464 |
5564 |
5664 |
3354 |
5354 |
7354 |
3744 |
5744 |
7744 |
Map 1. The basic fundamental 5324 pattern is placed dead center. the 5534 is placed in the center of the left section and the 5714 is placed in the center of the right section.
2. Each of the three sections evolves from its center. the sharper (superior) tenant of the sixth chord (of the pattern) is placed above surrounded (above and below) by the tenants of the fifth chord, and the flatter (inferior) tenant of the sixth chord is placed below, also surrounded (above and below) by the tenants of the fifth chord. To all of these are added the tenants of the second (or third) chord on the sides.
3. The patterns indicated in bold script on yellow are all recommended having antecedents which do not overwhelm the consequent. The patterns indicated without bold script on green are not recommended because the antecedent is more complex than the consequent. The patterns indicated in red script on grey are not recommended because the antecedent is more powerful than the consequent. The patterns indicated in red script on green are not recommended because the antecedent is both more complex and more powerful than the consequent.
The antecedent must never overwhelm the consequent. otherwise, all sensation of 'build-up" is destroyed.
Two Dimensions There are two dimensions to consider here - First, the strength of a progression - Chord Pattern 4 is the only strong one, Chord Patterns 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, are weak, Chord Patterns 2, 5, 8, have no strength at all, being merely repetitions of the same chord. Second, the complexity of a pattern - This is a question of tenant chords, which make a pattern more complex than it originally was.
Antecedents-Consequents By applying the various possibilities of tenant chords, - we have nine possible antecedents - Those starting with 5 are weak, and cause no problems - 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 they can be coupled with a consequent of any strength. The four others are stronger and care must be taken - 33, 73, 37, 77 they should not be coupled with a weak consequent. - we also have nine possible consequents - The three starting with 2, 5, 8, 24, 54, 84 are weak and they should not be coupled with a stronger antecedent - 33, 73, 37, 77. The three starting with 1, 2, 3, 14, 24, 34 are not complex (having no tenant chord on the DOMINANT) and they should not be coupled with an antecedent which does - 54, 56, 33, 73, 37, 77. The four others are sufficiently strong and complex - 44, 64, 74, 94 they can be coupled with any antecedent.
Examples Amor, Amor - 5384 Bye, Bye, Blackbird (beginning) - 5384 Comin' Round The Mountain - 5374 Oh When The Saints - 5374 Red River Valley - 5374 Old Folks At Home - 7374 Clementine - 5364
This should give us a fairly comprehensive view of the 4-cell Chord Patterns which remain within the Nucleus of the Major Mode.
3. Shadows
As we have seen in Metamorphosis 4, the 3 minor chords, in the top of the Window, and the 3 major chords, in the bottom of the Window, are remarkably similar, especially in Tetrad form when they possess a MOTRIX directed "inward" (toward the center of the Window), a seventh for the minor chords and a sixth for the major chords.
The ANTES of the Tail serve as “shadows” for the chords of the Nucleus.
The COUNTER-DOMINANT (F6) and the ANTE-1 (Dm7) possess the same notes, The TONIC (C6) and the ANTE-2 (Am7) possess the same notes, The DOMINANT, when it ascends, (G6) and the ANTE-3 (Em7) possess the same notes.
Parts of chord patterns (progressions) can be displaced into the shadows (these are frequently called "substitute chords").
In 74
3a. In Chord Pattern 74, the first cell TONIC / COUNTER (Cmaj7 / F6) Chord Progression 7, can be transported into the shadows to ANTE-2 / ANTE-1 (Am7 / Dm7) Chord Progression 7* (“*” for shadow), especially if we are not at the very beginning of the piece. The voice-leading is remarkably similar to that of the original Chord Pattern 74.
Chord Pattern 7*4 composed of ANTE-2 / ANTE-1 DOMINANT // TONIC (Am7 / Dm7 G7 // C)
With tenant Chord 3a1. In Chord Pattern 7*4, which already has a sharpening Tenant Chord on the first half of the DOMINANT, one frequently sees a shorter flattening Tenant Chord on the third quarter of the DOMINANT. ANTE-2 / ANTE-1 TONIC-DOMINANT // TONIC, (See 2a1a, Chord Pattern 5764)
Chord Pattern 7*4-t composed of antecedent ANTE-2 / ANTE-1 and consequent TONIC, DOMINANT // TONIC
In a case like this, the ANTE-1 seems to progress directly to the DOMINANT with the TONIC acting like two Non-chordal Tones (s4 and s6) placed on the DOMINANT.
In 54
3b In Chord Pattern 54, the second half of the first cell, the TONIC (C) on the Beat (after the bar-line) is often transported into the shadows to the ANTE-2 (Am7) producing TONIC / ANTE-2 ANTE-1-DOMINANT // TONIC with an open Metamorphosis 4 in the first cell.
Chord Pattern 5*4+t (C / Am7 Dm7-G7 // C) This is possible even at the very beginning of a piece.
In this Chord Pattern 5*4+t one has no choice but to place a sharpening tenant chord on what is left of the DOMINANT. The ANTE-2 (Am7) is frequently dominantized (A7). The ANTE-1 (Dm7) is occasionally dominantized. (D7).
Examples Bye, Bye, Blackbird (end) 5*4+t
4. Pasting
Many longer patterns are the result of pasting shorter patterns together. The pasting can be done (a) with complete patterns or (b) with incomplete patterns.
4a Complete Patterns Same Patterns
4a1. Let's start with the process of repetition, the safest and simplest of them all. Using the Fundamental Progression, Chord Pattern 4 The verse of Never On Sunday - M4444 The "A" sections of Quando, Quando - M4444 and the three 2-cell patterns, Chord Pattern 34 Down In The Valley - M3434 Carnival Of Venice - M3434 Oh Where, Oh Where - M3434 Chord Pattern 74 The chorus of My Bonnie - M7474 The "A" sections of Love Me Tender - M7474 Chord Pattern 54 London Bridge is Falling Down - M5454 Ta-ra-ra Boom Di-ay - M5454 Mary Had A Little Lamb - M5454 All of these patterns can be repeated without any problem whatsoever.
Different Patterns
4a2. Pasting different patterns together, is a more delicate task, in which one must remember that the pasting of two patterns will always give the role of antecedent to the first , and the role of consequent to the second. As we saw in the section on Tenant Chords, the antecedent must never overwhelm the consequent otherwise, all sensation of 'build-up" is destroyed.
Definition of Strength and Complexity Let’s review the two dimensions involved here - First, the strength of a progression - Chord Pattern 4 is the only strong one, Chord Patterns 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, are weak, Chord Patterns 2, 5, 8, have no strength at all, being merely repetitions of the same chord. Second, the complexity of a pattern - This is a question of tenant chords, which make a pattern more complex than it originally was.
Incompatibility If we now look carefully at the three 2-cell Chord Patterns 34, 74, 54, We note that - 34 is less complex than the two others, having no tenant chord, 54 is weaker than the two others, having no strength at all in its first cell. Conclusion - 34 and 54 seem to be incompatible.
Examples of Strength and Complexity The repertoire seems to confirm this incompatibility - M34-74 (in Happy Birthday) and M54-74 (in For He's A Jolly Good Fellow) are fine because the sections are placed in that order, 74 being more complex than 34 and stronger than 54.
Longer Patterns The pasting of longer (already opened) patterns is occasionally the same as the opening of shorter (already pasted) combinations. For instance - pasting together Chord Patterns M5324-5764 gives the same result as opening the already pasted Chord Patterns M34-74 (and adding the inferior tenant chord, the TONIC, on the last DOMINANT) Over The Waves - M5324-5764 Bill Bailey - M5324-5764
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4b. Incomplete Patterns
By pasting "incomplete" patterns together, we evidently mean pasting antecedents and consequents that were not originally meant to co-exist in the same Chord Pattern. We have already seen this in the Table Of 4-Cell Patterns in the section on Tenant Chords.
4c. Other Possibilities
Only Consequent Some songs are built of only a consequent, no antecedent. We have already seen some of this in the Fundamental Progression M4 but some songs use more complex consequents - On Top Of Old Smokey - M6464 This Land Is Your Land - M6464
Major and Minor Some songs are in the Chromatic Minor Mode, Miami Beach Rhumba - m3434 and others alternate between the Diatonic Major and Chromatic Minor, the two flattening modes, Carioca - m3434M3434. We will use the appropriate prefixes and colors (M and m) to differentiate them.
Only In Minor Some songs have patterns that seem possible only in the chromatic minor mode where m6 is as strong as m4. Dark Eyes - m4464 La Cumparsita - m4464
Minor Circle The complete circle is also usually seen in the chromatic minor mode identified here as two half-circles, one in major, the other in minor - The chorus of Autumn Leaves - M7*4-m7*4 Tres Palabras (Without You) - M7*4-m7*4
You might want to see Bridges or move on to Melo-Lines.