Metamorphosis 4 is presented either open or closed. The chord changes: - its direction, - its position in the series of fifths (3 FRAMEs away), and - the swing to which it belongs (2 fifths away - with the metamorphosed chord in exterior positions); - but none of its notes. There are 2 orbit exchanges here: - there is an exchange between Orbit 0 and Orbit 3 (the note which was Orbit 0 becomes Orbit 3 and the note which was Orbit 3 becomes Orbit 0); - there is an exchange between Orbit 1 and Orbit 2 (the note which was Orbit 1 becomes Orbit 2 and the note which was Orbit 2 becomes Orbit 1).
I-IV-V-I In one of the most popular Chord Patterns, the Traditional I-IV-V-I progression, (C+7-F6 Dm7-G7-C) the chord of IV, coming from the chord of C+7, is a chord of F6 (F, A, C, D) and it transforms itself into the chord of II which is a chord of Dm7 (D, F, A, C), exactly the same notes. Note that there will be a Metamorphosis 1 on the G7 chord which follows the Dm7.
Voice-leading of I-IV-V-I
In the following 9 examples, with the chord progression C+7-F6 Dm7-G7-C, all possible combinations of Voice-leading are used. A good occasion to review Voice-leading A with procuration Orbit 0 to Orbit 3, Voice-leading B with procuration Orbit 1 to Orbit 3, and Voice-leading C with procuration Orbit 2 to Orbit 3.
Notice that the Metamorphosis 1 on the third chord (G7) is indicated with 2 colors (Tenor and Bass in the first example) and not with one as was the case in the presentation of the circle. This makes it easier to follow the Voice-leading but it is not technically perfectly accurate because, as soon as the MOTRIX (Orbit 3) is heard at the very beginning of the chord, the orbit exchange takes place immediately, as was shown in the circle, and not in the middle of the chord. Notice also that the Fundamental Bass, last two notes, is interpreted as the Orbit line 0-1(0).
- Voice-leading A between chords 1 and 2 (Orbits 0-3 in the Alto) and Voice-leading A between chords 2 and 3 (Orbits 0-3 in the Alto).
- Voice-leading A between chords 1 and 2 (Orbits 0-3 in the Bass) and Voice-leading B between chords 2 and 3 (Orbits 1-3 in the Soprano).
- Voice-leading A between chords 1 and 2 (Orbits 0-3 in the Alto) and Voice-leading C between chords 2 and 3 (Orbits 2-3 in the Bass).
- Voice-leading B between chords 1 and 2 (Orbits 1-3 in the Alto) and Voice-leading A between chords 2 and 3 (Orbits 0-3 in the Alto).
- Voice-leading B between chords 1 and 2 (Orbits 1-3 in the Bass) and Voice-leading B between chords 2 and 3 (Orbits 1-3 in the Soprano).
- Voice-leading B between chords 1 and 2 (Orbits 1-3 in the Alto) and Voice-leading C between chords 2 and 3 (Orbits 2-3 in the Bass).
- Voice-leading C between chords 1 and 2 (Orbits 2-3 in the Bass) and Voice-leading A between chords 2 and 3 (Orbits 0-3 in the Bass).
- Voice-leading C between chords 1 and 2 (Orbits 2-3 in the Tenor) and Voice-leading B between chords 2 and 3 (Orbits 1-3 in the Soprano).
- Voice-leading C between chords 1 and 2 (Orbits 2-3 in the Bass) and Voice-leading C between chords 2 and 3 (Orbits 2-3 in the Alto).
In these 9 examples, Metamorphosis 4 was presented closed, the change occurring almost "clandestinely" on only one chord.
This is a good time to notice that Voice-leading occurs between chords (like mortar) but that Incompleteness and Metamorphoses occur during a chord.
Metamorphosis 4 Open
- When the metamorphosis is presented open, on two chords, each chord is presented as a Real Triad, to clearly identify itself (F followed by Dm). Once again, at the end on the chord of G7, the Fundamental Bass is represented as a substitution 0(1).
Compare with the original (last) Tetrad version, Voice-leading C, C.
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-In this example, with the chord progression C+7-F6Dm7-G6Em7-Am-6-Em7G6-Dm7F6, two Metamorphoses 4 are made in a row, on chords 2 and 3 (first bar) and on chords 5 and 6 (second bar), the second bar being the harmonic mirror image of the first bar. The 6 chords are then repeated with the male and female voices inverted (third and fourth bars) and Voice-leading A is used throughout.