MusicNovatory/Rhythm/Meters/At Level 0

Transformations At Level 0

1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

All the levels being binary, the footsies are quite simple here.

(a) When we examined this song in the preceding section,
     we could not produce ternary subdivision at the smaller levels (smaller than Level 0)
     because we had only one small level (Level -1) and
     we needed at least 2 of them (Level -2 and Level -1)
However, it is possible to produce ternary grouping using Level 0.

Let us start with a fusion of Level -1 and Level 0.
(b) The first complete bar of 4/2 at Level 0
     starts after the first 2 notes (between 2 solid bar-lines) and contains the required 4 notes.
As in 2. Polly, Put The Kettle On,
     we will reduce by half the values of the first 2 beats of each 4/2 bar.
At the ternary Level -1 0, we now have bars of 3/2 meter

At the smallest level (ternary Level -1 0), the feet start L(eft), T(ouch), R(ight) (4 cells).
At the next level (binary Level +1), the feet start L(eft) with 2 notes pickup (2 cells).

Let us now proceed to a fusion of Level 0 and Level +1.
(c) A complete bar of 4/1 at Level +1
     starts after the first 6 notes and contains the required 4 note values (7 notes in all).
We will reduce by half the values of the first 2 beats of each 4/1 bar
     (one 1/1 note and two 1/2 notes will become - one 1/2 note and two 1/4 notes).
The same note values will be attributed to the last note and to the first 2 notes.
At the ternary Level 0+1, we now have the original 2/2 bars, grouped by 3.

At the smallest level (binary Level -1), the feet start L(eft) (6 cells).
At the next level (ternary Level 0+1), the feet start L(eft), T(ouch), R(ight)
     with 2 notes pickup (2 cells).
At the next level (binary Level +2), the feet start L(eft) with 6 notes pickup (1 cell).

You might enjoy a little audio clip in which Twinkle is presented complete,
with bridge, in its ABA form.
In the 2 A sections, there is a fusion of ternary Level -1 0 and
in the B section, there is a fusion of ternary Level 0+1.

And finally, a fusion of Level +1 and Level +2.
(d) The complete bar of 8/1 (2 bars of 4/1) at Level +2
     is best seen by placing the last note at the beginning.
We can now reduce by half the values of the first half of this large 8/1 bar (the first 4/1 bar) -
     the first six 1/2 notes of the piece will become 1/4 notes and
     the last 1/1 note will become a 1/2 note.
At the ternary Level +1+2, we also have the original 2/2 bars, with 2 notes pickup,
     grouped in 3 binary cells, (instead of the original 4),

You might enjoy another little audio clip in which Twinkle is presented complete,
with bridge, in its ABA form.
In the 2 A sections, there is a fusion of ternary Level 0+1 and
in the B section, there is a fusion of ternary Level +1+2.

For all the other songs
These procedures of producing ternary Level -1 0, Level 0+1, and even Level +1+2
     could be applied to the other songs.
          Once again, the possibilities are almost endless.