
The most recent MusicNovatory News can be tracked from Twitter, available here

Recent posts in the Comments and Questions chapter can be found at the top of the C&Q Chronological section.

July 2008
We have added a section in Applications/Composition dealing with Modulations,
     concentrating on achieving maximum strength with circles.
CQ of the Month - mnSingALot

May 2008
We have added a section in Applications/Composition
     dealing with the composing of Counter Melodies.
CQ of the Month - Modulations

March 2008
The fourth clip in the Music Phenomenon series is now ready.
     It is called Generating Basic Materials,
          in this case, the chords of harmony.
               Several viewings will really be required here.
                    Just click on the picture.
CQ of the Month - MathNovatory 2

January 2008
We have advanced the MathNovatory site.
     The first section dealing with pure maths is now available, including Fibonacci and Prime Numbers.
          The applications will follow shortly.
CQ of the Month - The Third Clip

November 2007
The third clip in the Music Phenomenon series is now available.
     It is called The Diatonic String Builds The Scale,
          in a kind of Chrominic parking lot for the pitch of the notes.
               Like the others, this one also profits from several viewings.
                    Just click on the picture.
CQ of the Month - MathNovatory 1

September 2007
We have started a new site called MathNovatory
     in which we cast an artistic glance on what we call qualitative mathematics,
               the artistic aspect lacking in the usual quantitative mathematics,
          which will be applied to both music and games.
CQ of the Month - The Second Clip

July 2007
The second clip in the Music Phenomenon series is now ready.
     It is called The Chromatic String Of Fifths,
          an introduction to Chrominicism, a form of mini-chromaticism.
               This one also profits from several viewings.
                    Just click on the picture.
CQ of the Month - The First Clip

June 2007
We are launching a series of video clips in a new site called Music Phenomenon.
     The first clip is called The Elusive Semi-tones.
          It is short (60"), straight, fun, and challenging.
               You might like to view it several times.
                    Just click on the picture.
CQ of the Month - The Mysteries Of Music

May 2007
A third installment of the Intuition-Knowledge dichotomy saga,
     in which the process of establishing a symbiotic complementarity is discussed,
          with Analysis presented as a possible solution.
CQ of the Month - Intuition-Knowledge dichotomy 5

April 2007
A sequel to last month's posting, concerning the Intuition-Knowledge dichotomy,
     in which the evaluation of harmonic theory is prevalent, including the works of :
          Jean-Philippe Rameau, Théodore Dubois, Walter Piston, and even MusicNovatory.
CQ of the Month - Intuition-Knowledge dichotomy 4

March 2007
We recently received an interesting question about the Intuition-Knowledge dichotomy,
     in which the sender doubted the reality of its existence,
          the advantages of the symbiosis seeming so obvious.
               You might enjoy it.
CQ of the Month - Intuition-Knowledge dichotomy 3

February 2007
We are preparing a new presentation of Analysis, with "double quality control",
     in which the suggested "changes", play a double role,
          allowing the participant to evaluate MusicNovatory itself.
CQ of the Month - Stardust

January 2007
It is possible to extend the four-note Orbit chain 3-2-1-0
     into a six-note Orbit chain 3-2-1-1-0-0,
               which we call Sextensions,
          and which evidently produce six-voice canons.
CQ of the Month - Dichotomies

December 2006
The page we originally called "The 2 Faces of Music"
     has been considerably extended, with emphasis on YIN/YANG,
          and is now called Dichotomies.
CQ of the Month - Level 0 of Two Songs - 3

November 2006
We have also been examining the unusual, instrumental-like Melo-rhythm
          of Stardust by Hoagy Carmichael.
     It should also be ready for posting in Analysis shortly.
CQ of the Month - Level 0 of Two Songs - 2

October 2006
After at least 20 years of frustration and bewilderment,
     we feel that we have found a satisfactory explanation for the unusual harmony
          of All The Things You Are by Jerome Kern.
     It should be ready for posting in Analysis shortly.
CQ of the Month - Level 0 of Two Songs

September 2006
In Harmony/Transformations/Coda 1, we have added a page called
     "Uninvertibility", which deals with what seem to be exceptions,
          a kind of "who-done-it" with an unsuspected culprit.
CQ of the Month - Dimensions

August 2006
We have finally found what seems a satisfactory solution
     to the dilemma of the major seventh, in Just Intonation/Diagrams,
          where enharmonism was involved.
CQ of the Month - The Two Faces Of Music

July 2006
The recent CQ exchange concerning our specific definition of Music
     has prompted us to elaborate a new page called
          The Two Faces Of Music, in Introduction/Preface.
CQ of the Month - Definition of Music-3

June 2006
We have added, in Introduction/Preface,
     a page called Acoustical Illusions,
          in which they are compared to, and accompanied by, Optical Illusions,
               with which we are far more familiar.
CQ of the Month - Definition of Music-2

May 2006
We are continually receiving requests for information
     concerning uniform keyboards in general
          and the CHROMATONE CT-312 in particular.
We have also conceived a tonally relative staff,
     specifically for the Vocentro relative language and symbols,
          but also applicable to the Uniform Keyboard.
CQ of the Month - Definition of Music

April 2006
The January News issue mentioned the CHROMATONE CT-312 uniform keyboard synthetisers
          and some of you have written in for information.
     Consequently, we now distribute them on-line,
               delivered anywhere, directly from Japan,
          and provide support tools and accessories.
     MusicNovatory has also developed a fascinating
          uniform keyboard learning and playing method,
               as part of its Keyboard Harmony Chapter.
     All of these will soon be available for on-line ordering,
          through membership and the upcoming,
               the MusicNovatory web site portal store.
CQ of the Month - Grouping and Subdivision

March 2006
The generation of the 4 Strong Modes has been moved to the Modes Preface page
     with a new up-dated section on the Chromatic Minor Mode
          which is now Mode 4 instead of Mode 3.
CQ of the Month - Tendency

February 2006
We have started sketching the Orchestration section
          with pages on timber and types which you might find interesting.
     There will be much more to come.
CQ of the Month - Time Signatures

January 2006
We are now the proud owners of two CHROMATONE CT-312 Uniform Electronic Keyboards
          possibly the only ones in America.
     This will probably reflect in a future Keyboard Harmony Chapter,
          with introductory explanations (and exercises) for this uniform keyboard.
CQ of the Month - Mysteries of Music

December 2005
We have added a page in Natural Canons / More Musical
          called 6. The Circle,
     in which a variety of new canons are presented.
CQ of the Month - Is there a Basic Mode ?

November 2005
We have added a page concerning Large Level Bars
          with specifics concerning the placement of bar-lines
     which might help to overcome the prejudice
          of always starting at the beginning of a bar.
CQ of the Month - The Leading Tone

October 2005
The Comments And Questions chapter has been revamped -
     with all the posts disposed in the volume and chapter sections of the site,
     with a multiple reference Alphabetical listing, and
     with a Chronological listing with the recent posts on top for easy reference.
CQ of the Month - Preferable Bridge Level

September 2005
We have added new material to the 4 Strong Modes
          in the Quantification/Harmony Page
     which finally gives the Diatonic Major Mode the priority it deserves.
Akhu's new MusicNovatory blog is now available
CQ of the Month - Beethoven and Parallel Fifths

August 2005
July 28 marked MusicNovatory's fifth anniversary.
The past 5 years have been primarily devoted to publishing the MusicNovatory content.
The coming years will see further content development, but the focus is now on accessibility.
CQ of the Month - Why Are There Semi-tones ?

July 2005
We have added a page called The Price of Diatonicism in The Four Forms of Harmony chapter,
     which you might find interesting.
We have also added a new Favorite in Sonorities called Alleluia Coda,
     in which Handel's classic is given more modern possibilities.

June 2005
We have added Class 5 of the Fugue,
     in which the Subject is no longer an abstract Orbit Line, a good way to start,
          but the beginning of a well-known song.

May 2005
We have added Class 4 of the Fugue.
     Others will be following shortly.

April 2005
It seemed high time to manifest and justify the scientific nature of MusicNovatory.
     It is now sub-titled The Science of Music.

March 2005
We have added an appreciable amount of material in the Natural Canons.

February 2005
The third lesson of Harmony 101, dealing with Inversions, is now available.
Don't forget Analysis and the Tasting Polls.

January 2005
The second lesson of Harmony 101, dealing with The Minor Mode, is now available.
Don't forget Analysis and the Tasting Polls.

December 2004
We have added 2 new Tasting Polls, there are now 7 of them.
Don't forget that the 3 songs of Analysis are available any time you are.

November 2004
1. The third song of Analysis is presently available,
          the much-recorded Winter Wonderland - Felix Bernard and Dick Smith, 1923.
2. The other 2 songs, Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town and Joy To The World
     are also still available in case you missed them.
          Check the Preface for details.
3. Don't forget the Tasting Polls which have been available since August.

October 2004
1. Here is the first lesson of Harmony 101,
          a tutorial for college and conservatory students starting their harmony classes,
     dealing with Triads in Root Position.
2. The second song of Analysis is presently available,
          the well-known Joy To The World - Words by Isaac Watts, Music NOT by Handel.
     The first song, Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town is also still available in case you missed it.
          Check the Preface for details.
3. Don't forget the Tasting Polls which have been available since August.

September 2004
1. Analysis is presently available.
          Check the Preface for details.
     The first song is Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town - Haven Gillespie and J. Fred Coots, 1934
2. Don't forget the Tasting Polls which have been available for a month now.
3. We should have ready by October the beginning of a tutorial called "Harmony 101"
          for college and conservatory students starting their harmony classes.

August 2004
Analysis will definitely start on September 1, 2004 when the first song will be available.
In the meantime -
     1. You might want to see what it will be all about by looking at the Preface.
     2. You might also enjoy an appetizer which will precede it
          called Tasting Polls in which you are invited to participate in a game of "blindfold" tests
               of variations (from 2 to 4) of a short music example.
                    These polls are starting right away on August 1.

July 2004
We are closing in on some problems whose solutions have eluded us for years -
     You will find our latest work on the Major Seventh
          which we placed in the Just Intonation section because the tuning was so important.
     Another favorite subject of ours is "Quantification", in which we seek precise measurement
          in Rhythm, Harmony, and Melody, which will start coming shortly.
We have also added new material in Rounds.
Don't forget to let us know in you are interested in Analysis (see June 2004, just below).

June 2004
We are considering the possibility of launching Analysis on September 1, 2004.
     Several visitors have already manifested their intention of participating
          and we are hereby notifying everyone that if we have a sufficient amount of interest
               manifested by July 25, 2004, we will officially announce the launching on August 1, 2004.

May 2004
We have started a presentation of Rounds,
     also known as "perpetual canons",
          and we will be adding more material soon.
     These are quite easy to write.

April 2004
Class 3 of the Fugue course is now on-line.
     The others will be following shortly.
          We hope you will enjoy them.
               Let us know if you have any problems.

March 2004
The 12 Guided Tours are now ready and operating.
     We hope that you will find them useful and let us know if you have any problems.
          Don't hesitate to write us.
The lists of the CQ page have been revamped for more convenient reference.

February 2004
We have added material concerning Retarded Syncopations
     which we think you will enjoy.
We have also made additions to the Definitions in the Reference.

January 2004
In the CQ, you will find an interestinq letter concerning The Leading Tone
     which we conceive in the plural,
          there being really 2 of them on each chord.
We have added an important aural verification at the end of Pete's Paradox.

December 2003
We have added new material to our explanation of Tendency in the CQ page
We have also made additions to the History of Music Theory in the Preface.

November 2003
We have found time to prepare Class 2 of the Fugue course.
Otherwise, we have been completing the 12 Guided Tours which will all be ready shortly,
     as well as other interactive functionalities.
     Please be patient. We are sure you will find it worthwhile.

October 2003
We have been involved with long-range projects recently
     and you will be getting more details here shortly.

September 2003
In the Harmony/Transformation chapter, we have added Orbit Line Dispositions,
     a page combining the 15 possibilities of Metamorphoses and Voice-leading,
          with a brief visit to Free Harmony (with open Metamorphosis 4).
     Fairly heavy stuff, not for beginners.

August 2003
We are presently celebrating our third anniversary on the net.

As a birthday present, we have received a most unusual gift -
          called Pete's Paradox which deals with the delicate subject of Deceptive Triads.
     We hope you will enjoy it as much as we did.

July 2003
Some elements of the Fugue Composition Course are ready for posting -
     the Preface and Class 1 are complete, and 3-part Fugue is reasonably sketched out.
          The other classes will follow.

June 2003
We have launched what we call "Guided Tours",
     of which the first, Harmony-1, is already available,
          through the Welcome page or directly through the Guided Tours page.

A section concerning the Bass Voice has been added in the Harmony/Transformations/Preface.

Sequences combining different Metamorphoses have also been added.
     They are not easy to handle
          and are recommended only when the individual metamorphoses are well digested.

May 2003
Here it is, all the information concerning the launching of Analysis,
     including songs which we intend to judge.and evaluate

April 2003
In Rhythm/Preface we have added The Unknown Container chapter, in which
      - we review and comment 3 different books, published in 1960, 1978, and 1995,
          to demontrate how little is known of Rhythm and its operation,
               by the authors, their critics, musicians in general, theoreticians, and even composers,
     - limiting ourselves to the question of Bars and Bar-lines,
          and showing how serious their misplacement can be.
     Pretty heavy stuff - come back to it later if you have not seen at least the footsies first.

In various sections of Rhythm,
          Footsies, Graphics, Changing Meters, Melo-rhythmic Boxes,
     we have extended the Transformations by Ablation into more complex Fibonacci structures,
               such as bars of 5/8, and 8/8,
          as well as bars of 7/8, by the process of incomplete ablation.
     Advanced technical stuff - make sure you have seen ternary rhythm first.

At the end of of Harmony/Transformations/Metamorphoses, we have added what we call Interlaced Circles
     which constantly jump, back and forth, between the diatonic major and the chromatic minor circles,
          using both Metamorphoses 1 and 4, one after the other, on the same chord.
     More advanced technical stuff

In Melody/Preface, we have added a page called The Langer Hinge,
          the central pivot, the point of fusion, in all Melodic Entities.
     This might prove a little arid and theoretical for those who have not yet seen the volume of Melody.
          You might prefer to see it later.

March 2003
New clips -
     Twinkle Limp 1 Inversion, Twinkle Limp 2 Inversion,
     Birthday Limp 1 Inversion, Birthday Limp 2 Inversion,
     Red River Limp 1, Red River Limp 1 Inversion, Red River Limp 2, Red River Limp 2 Inversion,
     Bonnie Circle, Bonnie Circle Inversion,
     Supercouples,Soft Supercouples, Rain, Snow, and Hail.

In Melody/Melo-rhythm you will find a page in which we start the study of Syncopations.

In Harmony/Sonorities/Favorites you will find a new presentation of deceptive Triads called Em-F Swings.

February 2003
Important changes were made in Harmony / Structure Of Pitch / Generating Basic Materials
     concerning definitions of -
          "Harmonic", "vertical", and "simultaneous", as well as
          "Melodic", "horizontal", and "successive",
               which clarify the scope of Harmony,
     and concerning "octave choice" in various situations.

A fifth, and possibly final, volume has been added, Applications -
     Most of the pages are still empty,
          but the comments on the menus will give you an idea of what is coming and when -
               There are already notes on the GrosBonChant, and
               details on Analysis will be coming shortly.

January 2003
The most important addition in the content of this new version of MusicNovatory
     is the Melody volume
          which completes the Rhythm-Harmony-Melody structure of Music.
There seems no point in outlining it here -
     just open it and be our guest.
Don't forget to send us your comments !

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