abbreviations "Tr" - a traditional, usually academic definition or symbol "Ex-" - example
PASTING One of the transformations in Melo-Harmony.
PHRASING See Alternation PICK-UP The notes which precede a (rhythmic) cell of any large rhythmic level (especially the first cell of Level 0).
PICK-UP ASSOCIATION The Off-beat of a specific level is associated with the following Beat of the same level. This occasionally occurs at smaller
levels but is the norm at all the large levels.
PICK-UP GROUPING Notes grouped with Pick-up Association.
PITCH One of the 3 Worlds of Music - its Quantitative Dimension is the Frequency of a note and its Qualitative Dimension is the
Chrominicism of the note.
PRIMARY NOTES see Chordal Function PROCURATION (OF THE MOTRIX) The opposite of Resolution, an increase in tension Procuration from Orbit 0 (0-3), the most natural, from the least tension Procuration from Orbit 1 (1-3), more difficult to handle Procuration from Orbit 2 (2-3), interrupting the normal 2-1 resolution, convenient but risky
PROPER TONE see Chordal Function
PROSODY see Scansion
PUSH A term used in Chord Symbols for an inferior, ascending, Non-chordal Tone