abbreviations "Tr" - a traditional, usually academic definition or symbol "Ex-" - example
s Abbreviation for a . see Note-values
S Abbreviation for an .
S the Soprano voice in a choir.
SATB the four voices of a mixted choir, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass.
SANTA 2-CELL REPEAT (THE) A permissible repetition of antecedent melodic entities, from the bridge of Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town (in bars 17-24 with 4 cells of I7 / IV, I7 / IV, II7 / V, II7 / V)
SCALE Disposition of the notes making up a diatonic Window in order of proximity. The mode of the scale will be determined by the
note on which it starts (and ends).
SCANSION Tr- The metrical analysis of verse in which the syllables are defined as either short (unaccented) or long (accented). The traditional definition classifies syllables according to the Quantitative Dimension of Time (Duration, short or long)
or according to the Quantitative Dimension of Energy (Volume, unaccented or accented) We will define syllables according to the Qualitative Dimension of Time, Alternation (of Beat and Off-beat), a syllable being placed either on a Beat or on an Off-beat. The are 2 possibilities for 2-syllable words - the iamb (Ex- the word "today") consisting of Off-beat/Beat - the trochee (Ex- the word "morning") consisting of Beat/Off-beat. The are 3 possibilities for 3-syllable words - the anapest (Ex- the word "afternoon") consisting of Off-beat/Off-beat/Beat - the amphibrach (Ex- the word "tomorrow") consisting of Off-beat/Beat/Off-beat - the dactyl (Ex- the word "yesterday") consisting of Beat/Off-beat/Off-beat. When there are 2 Off-beats in a row, the second is always "more Off-beat" than the first (higher in the rhythmic graphics).
SECOND Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency) see Interval
SECONDARY NOTES see Chordal Function
SERIES OF FIFTHS See Fifths (series of)
SEVENTH 1. Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency). see Interval. 2. The descending MOTRIX of a chord.
SHADOWS One of the transformations in Melo-Harmony.
SHARP 1. A chromatic semi-tone higher. 2. Symbol which designates a chromatic semi-tone higher.
SHORT BRANCH TUNING Short Branch Tuning is the result of using the interval of major third once. It is reserved for MEDIANs (diatonic and chromatic). Major MEDIANs will be tuned one comma lower than Trunk Tuning, minor MEDIANs one comma higher. Part of Just Intonation, see Intonation
SIXTEENTH-NOTE see Note-values
SIXTH 1. Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency). see Interval. 2. The ascending MOTRIX of a chord.
SONORITIES The specific "sound" of a chord whatever its origin (basic form and transformations) might be. This sound is catalogued by the number of semi-tones
between its components. The list of favorite sonorities includes: diminished seventh chords, augmented chords, the blues chord, stretch chords, and clusters.
SNAP The term used to designate a 2-note rhythm in which the first note is half-length and the second is dotted, the opposite of
a dot.
SPLIT CELL A cell split into two identical Melo-rhythmic parts.
STATIC Term applied to a note-value that is in a state of rest. The opposite of kinetic.
SUBSTITUTION The operation by which one of the Primary Notes, the COMMON TONE or the PROPER TONE replaces another orbit of the chord and acts on its behalf (as it would have done). Part of the Transformation of Incompleteness.
SUS A term used in Chord Symbols for a superior, descending, Non-chordal Tone
SYMMETRY Similarity manifested in Melo-rhythm, Melo-harmony, and Melo-lines.
SYNCOPATION The displacement of a note in TIME, either forward (by anticipation), or backward (by retardation).