abbreviations "Tr" - a traditional, usually academic definition or symbol "Ex-" - example
T the Tenor voice in a choir.
TA see Vocentro
TANA see Vocentro
TARA see Vocentro
TABLES Mostly used in Just Intonation to give accurate tunings listed (a) construction of the harmonic system, (b) placed in order
of pitch (ascending or descending), and (c) the natural harmonics.
TAIL The 3 secondary chords (harmonic functions) of a mode - the ANTES-1, 2, and 3.
TEMPERATURE see Chrominicism
TEMPERED TUNING see Intonation TENANT CHORDS One of the transformations in Melo-Harmony.
TENDENCY The "desire" of a note to rise or to fall to the following note: (a) on a large level (that of the Window of the diatonic
system), according to its Chrominicism, and (b) on a smaller level (that of the chord involved), according to the Voice-leading
of its specific Orbit. See the Comments and Questions page.
TENTH Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency) see Interval
TERNARY Grouping and subdividing by three, the result of a Transformation in Rhythm
TETRAD A 4-note chord. see Chordal Function
THIRD 1. Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency) see Interval 2. The Median of a chord. see Chordal Function
THIRTEENTH Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency) see Interval
THIRTY-SECOND-NOTE see Note-values
TI see Vocentro
TIMBRE Qualitative Dimension in the World of Energy, proportion of the volume of the natural harmonics to that of the fundamental
TIME One of the 3 Worlds of Music - its Quantitative Dimension is Duration of a note (or chord) and its Qualitative Dimension (at
any specific moment) is found in the Alternation of Beat and Offbeat at all levels of Duration.
TONIC The chord in the center of the nucleus (the group of 3 similar-mode chords, of the same mode as that of the tonality)
TONAL FUNCTON Each Tonal System (within a Window) contains seven chords with distinct Tonal Functions Within the nucleus of the Tonal System (the three chords of the same mode as that of the system) The TONIC chord in the center of the three The DOMINANT chord beside the TONIC, at the center of the Window The COUNTER (Subdominant) chord on the other side of the TONIC, at the extremity of the Window Within the Tail of the Tonal System (the three chords of opposite mode to that of the system The ANTE-1 placed next to the DOMINANT The ANTE-2 placed next to the ANTE-1 The ANTE-3 placed next to the ANTE-2, at the extremity of the Window Joining both extremities of the Window to complete the Circle The "Buckle" chord which has a smaller FRAME (a diminished fifth, between the sharpest and flattest notes of the system)
TRANSFORMATIONS A set of procedures which, applied to the Basic Materials of a Structure of Music (Rhythm, Harmony, or Melody) will produce
all the more complex forms. The very essence of a Generative process
TRIAD A 3-note chord. see Chordal Function and Incompleteness TROCHEE A 2-syllable word consisting of Beat/Off-beat (Ex- "morning"). see Scansion TRUNK TUNING Tuning which uses the interval of the perfect fifth (3/2). Also called Pythagorean Tuning.
TWELFTH Tr- Distance, in the Quantitative Dimension of Pitch (frequency) see Interval
TUNING see Intonation