abbreviations "Tr" - a traditional, usually academic definition or symbol "Ex-" - example
VO see Vocentro VOCENTRO A relative system of naming notes and chords which can be transposed to any key and which is symmetrical in the major and minor modes (diatonic and chromatic) In the natural diatonic system (without sharps or flats) - Vo represents the central note D Ra represents the G and Ri the A Ta represents the C and Ti the E Na represents the F and Ni the B Chords are represented by the 2 note-names of the FRAME, the COMMON TONE first - Rata represents the chord of C6 and Tara the chord of C+7 Ravo represents the chord of G7 and Tana the chord of F6.
VOICE-LEADING A Transformation in Harmony which determines the "horizontal", melodic lines between 2 chords.
VOLUME - Quantitative Dimension in the World of Energy (measured in decibels)