Following the traditional order of YIN-YANG, we have placed the feminine YIN first, on the left, in Face 1, and the masculine
YANG second, on the right, in Face 2. The Taoist Dichotomy of YIN-YANG is meant to be both symbiotic and complementary, different,
possibly opposite, but mutually useful and profitable, and this is how they will be treated here, without preference or prejudice,
(a) with Art-Science, (b) within Music with Performance-Muzikeco, (c) within the parts of Music, Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm.
The words "Feminine" and "Masculine" are to be understood here not in the Melo-rhythmic sense of rhymes, but in the collective image of the divine, very much as they are in the oriental YIN and YANG universal principles.
The YIN-YANG %% Scale It might be interesting to try to keep track of the position on the YIN-YANG scale by a form of percentage of YIN and YANG. Since the percentage of any given point would always be complementary (within 100%) in YIN and YANG, it would be sufficient to only give it for the YIN, for example, something in the center of the YIN would be placed "%25%", something in the center of the YANG would be placed "%75%".
Art-Science For Face 1 (YIN), we define "intuition" as being a human operation which makes choices directly from an input of sensation,
rather than from the intellectual operation of acquired knowledge, and which must not be confused with personal taste, styles,
or cultural habits, as we will later see. For Face 2 (YANG), we define "natural" as being, for all practical purposes, synonymous with the word "cosmic", in other
words part of the cosmic order, and not of human invention or creation. In this dichotomy, the key-word is "essentially", and the division into these 2 Faces must be seen as a gradual spectrum
and not as a definitive either/or classification. There will evidently be some cosmic structure in Art (average %25%), some
artistic intuitive choices in Science (average %75%), and there will also be border-line moments with fairly equal parts of
each (around 50). For the greater benefit of Art, especially that of Music, it is of the greatest importance to establish
the symbiosis and complementary with Science. NOTE that we are also dealing here with a symbiosis of Intuition and Knowledge, devoid of preference for one or for the
other, in the hope of establishing the most fruitful combination of the two, which will be presented later.
Art Using Intuition as a guide, the main function of Art is to create structures of "art-forms", like languages and Dance, at a larger level, and works within these structures, at a smaller level.
Science Using observation and logic as guides, the main function of Science is to discover and establish the Knowledge of all Cosmic (natural) structures, including those of Mathematics and Music, as well as the technology to use these structures
The Intuition-Knowledge Dichotomy A plea for the complementary symbiosis of this Dichotomy, so important to the progress of Music, has been placed at the very end of this presentation as an apotheosis.
YIN-YANG distribution of the Arts The original six Greek ancient arts (poetry, dance, architecture, painting, sculpture, and music) did not seem suffiently "up-to-date" for our present purposes. For a more contemporary overview, it seemed advisable to use four "families" of Art, Litterature, Dance, Fine Arts, and Music. Placing the structures of the four art families in order from Yin to Yang : Litterature (novels, poetry, plays), with only the restrictions of an arbitrarily structured language, has a very YIN structure, creative and intuitive (%5-10%). Dance, with only the physical limits of the human body fighting againt the force of gravity, has a structure which is a little less YIN, but still creative and intuitive (%15-20%). Fine or plastic arts (architecture, engraving, painting, sculpture), with the knowledge of color, shape, proportions, perspective, have a YANG structure, with the use of this knowledge (%30-35%). Music, with Muzikeco (the knowledge of Rhythm, Harmony, and Melody), has an even more YANG structure, with more knowledge than the Fine Arts (%40-45%).
YIN-YANG distribution of Mathematics Mathematics are divided, quite conveniently, into 2 sections - Geometry, visual and artistic, evidently YIN (%60-65%), and Algebra (including Arithmetic), rational and intellectual, evidently YANG (%85-90%).
Geometric production of the square The smallest number of circles seems to be three. The first is drawn on a random vertical line, delimiting a vertical diameter. Using its extremities as centers and with a larger radius, the intersection of these 2 circles (left and right) will delimit the horizontal diameter. Joining the extremities of these two diameters will produce the sides of the square.
NOTE that the diagonals of the square are generated first, before the sides.
It is interesting to compare the facts that - in the structure of geometric space, circles are required to generate a square, and in the structure of musical pitch, fifths are required to generate a diatonic scale.
Complementarity of Science (in this case physics) At the start of the XXth century, Science was in a serious crisis. Two theories explaining physical phenomena seemed
incompatible: the theory of movement proposed by Galileo (in the XVIIth century) and the theory of electromagnetism proposed
by Maxwell (in the XIXth century). In 1905 and 1915, the Einsteins (Albert and Mileva Maric) published two revolutionary articles
which reconciled these two theories. A new form of Science was born, more intuitive and creative (more YIN, from %75 to 55-60%).
and Arts (in this case Music) Also in the XXth century, in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, Conrad Letendre managed to reconcile the theories of François-Auguste Gevaert (1828-1908), in which harmony progressions were basically by
fith between Tetrads, and of Hugo Riemann (1849-1919), in which all Harmony and Melody were symmetrically disposed in the
major and minor modes. A new form of Music-Theory was born, MusicNovatory, more logical and scientific (more YANG, from %25 to 40-45%).
Technology NOTE that all art forms have enjoyed the help of "perpetuating technology" which ensures precise preservation and distribution of works - for Litterature and Music, the printing press, using the required graphics, for the Fine Arts, photographic reproduction, for Music, audio recording, for Theatre, Dance, and Music, video recording, making each a little more YANG (adding a few %% points).
Preface Music Dichotomies Melody and Development Harmony Dichotomies Rhythmic Containers Cultural Habits Intuition and Knowledge
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