The result of the imposition on Free Harmony of the Window (from MELODY) and of Rhythmic Structure.
Melodic Harmony is also used for many of the examples of Transformations because all processes can be applied in this form of harmony. In Voice-leading, Bell-1. In Incompleteness, 6 versions of Procuration A, B, and C. In Incompleteness, Bell-3. Check the next example while you are at it. In Metamorphosis 1, the Major Circle Check the next few examples while you are at it. In Metamorphosis 4, 6 versions of Procuration A, B, and C. Check the next example while you are at it. In Chromaticism-Dominantization, a dominantized major circle. Check the next example while you are at it. In Chromaticism-Diminution, a half major circle. Check the next few examples while you are at it. In Chromaticism-Augmentation, on the DOMINANT. Check the next few examples while you are at it.
This is also the form of HARMONY used in the FOUR STRONG MODES.