Harmony/Sonorities/Favorites/Augmented Triads

The augmented triad look/sound

We have seen that the Diminution process (chromaticizing Orbit lines 3-2 and 1-1)
     will only produce the diminished seventh look/sound
          on the 2 outer chords of the Window as they progress inward.
     The two chords of each progression must be of the same mode
               (both major or both minor)
          for there to be enough space to chromaticize the MOTRIX (7th or 6th).

Augmented Triads function the same way but in the opposite direction.

Example in C major
Augmented Triads also function only between the 3 major chords in the bottom of the Window
     but, this time, progressing outward ( G+ - C+ - F)