We will now see the process of "augmenting" a chord - this usually produces an "augmented triad" sound but it may also keep its tetrad shape.
Definition Here is how augmentation works - the substitution of Orbit 3 by Orbit 1, Incompleteness 1(3) can be chromaticized toward its resolution to Orbit 2.
-We have first the basic DOMINANT-TONIC progression, with the TONIC as Real Triad. The Orbit progression 1-1 is, by itself, in Line 1. The 3 other Orbit progressions (3-2, 2-1, 0-0) are together, in Line 2. The Fundamental Bass is in Line 3. - We then have incompleteness 1(3) in the top voice of line 2 (D replacing F). - Finally this substitution has been chromaticized to D#. The clash with the D of line 1 has generally been considered too violent and Line 1 is usually left out.
Augmented Triads
-We have here the last half of the circle, starting with the ANTE-3, Voice-leading A. The 1-1 Orbit line has been left out and each chord has been dominantized.
Incompleteness and Augmentation
-Then, incompleteness 01(3) has been applied to each chord and each triad has been augmented by chromaticizing the substitution of Orbit 3. This gives us a series of 4 augmented triads.
12 Augmented triads On the "turn-around" progression (C6-Am7-Dm7-G7), presented 3 times,
-If each chord is presented as a Real Triad (C-Am-Dm-G), C-Am being an open Metamorphosis 4 and not a progression, (notice that they are in the same bar) and - if each triad is dominantized and augmented (C+5-A+5-D+5-G+5), we have a series of 12 augmented triads covering a complete octave.
Augmented Tetrads
We saw in the first example that it is not impossible to maintain Orbit line 1-1 (D-C) while chromaticizing the substitution 1(3) in an augmentation (D#-E).
-We have here - in the Soprano voice, the Orbit 1-1 line, in the Alto voice, the Orbit 3-2 line with chromaticized substitution 1(3), in the Tenor voice, the Orbit 0-0 line, and in the Bass voice, the Orbit 2-1 line. (The Fundamental Bass has been left out.) This disposition is particularly pleasant and the discordance of the DOMINANT Chord is rendered acceptable by the perfect Voice-leading to the TONIC Chord.
You might like to see further "development" of this example.