3. Red River Valley
Click on Sound to hear the melody. Click on GRAPHICS to see the drawing of the separate levels. Click on the drawing of separate levels to see the drawing of integrated levels. Click on the BACK button (top-left) to return to this page. Click on the drawing of integrated levels to return to this page. Click on the BACK button (top-left) to return to the drawing of integrated levels.
Drawing of the separate levels
At the smallest level,Level -3 (arbitrarily, the 1/8 note for the shortest notes), we start on the Beat and, of course, end on the Beat. The four longer 1/4 notes and the last dotted 1/2 note are drawn on the Beat all the way through. However the dotted 1/4 tied to the 1/4, in the middle, is drawn on the Off-Beat all the way through, sign of a syncopation. At the next larger level,Level -2 (1/4 note, twice as long), we start on the Off-Beat and, of course, end on the Beat. As we already know, this is not Level 0. The longer notes in the middle and at the end are drawn on the Beat all the way through. At the next larger level,Level -1 (1/2 note, twice as long), we start on the Beat and, of course, end on the Beat. Here again, the longer notes at the beginning and at the end are drawn on the Beat all the way through. The 2-note pick-up will not appear in these graphics of individual levels. At the next larger level,Level 0 (1/1 note, twice as long), we start on the Off-Beat and, or course, end on the Beat. The longest note of the melody is now no longer than the beats of this level, which confirms the fact that we are at Level 0. The 2-note pick-up will not appear. Notice the regularity of the cells. At the next larger level,Level +1 (2/1 note, twice as long), we know that all large levels start on the Off-beat. The 8-note pick-up will not appear. Still the same cells. The bar-linesare placed at Level -1 (in 4/4 time). However, for the sake of clarity, only the bar-lines of Level 0 are solid, the others, for Level -1, are dashed. Notice that, at Level 0, there is half a bar before the first bar-line and half a bar at the end.
Drawing of the integrated levels
All the levels have been put together.
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