MusicNovatory/Introduction/Reference/Comments and Questions/Introduction/Mysteries

In your Home page, you speak of "The mysteries of Music",
and I am curious to know what you mean by that expression.

We offer these Mysteries for a start.

1. How come there is no agreement on simple and clear definitions ?
What is harmony ? What is rhythm ? What is music itself ?
Is it an art ? Is it a tradition ? Is city noise music too ?

2. What are the qualitative dimensions of rhythm and harmony ?
Why are they even more important than the quantitative dimensions ?


3. Next, and probably one of the most obvious, has to be the steps of the natural diatonic scale.
Why are there 7 steps with 2 small ones and 5 large ones ?
Why don't we have 10 (metric) or 12 (UK/US) equal steps ?
Why only 2 small steps and not 3 or any other number ?
Why are the small steps at specific positions and not elsewhere
     (ex: between the notes E-F and B-C) ?

4. How can one differentiate between functional and non-functional notes and chords ?

5. Is there a preferential size of chord (3, 4, 5, 6 notes) ;
     if so what is it and how can we be sure ?

6. While we are at it, is it possible to clearly establish procedures when dealing with triads :
     which note should one double and between which triads are progressions possible ?


7. There are also quite a few mysteries concerning rhythm.
(a) The chicken-and-egg problem of which comes first, bars or bar-lines ?
(b) Is the relationship between bars the same as that between beats ?
(c) How long should bars be ?
(d) How come a multi-level Fibonacci-series-based rhythmic structure feels right,
     despite its irregularity ?
(e) What exactly is phrasing all about ?

We hope that this helps for now. There are more.

Thanks for your list of "mysteries".
Where can I find the explanation of the semi-tones or diatonic scale steps ?

You will find the explanation of semi-tones in the Chrominicism chapter
where you have a choice of procedures.
You can also look at Generating Basic Materials for a rather dramatic presentation.
You will also find help in the Video Clips which are now available.
Don't forget to send us your comments.