I was just playing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and noticed that you have the B section going CG7CG. I think it should
go Cmaj7 F C6 G, because the second chord is on the downbeat and therefore is less inclined to have a motrix, especially for
the melody. The justification on the website for CGCG is that the bridge should be antecedent oriented, but CFCG also ends
on the G and is antecedent oriented.
When you say "antecedent oriented" we gather that you are referring to the
Table of Orbit Linesin the Melo-lines/Preface. Let's look at the rhythmic structure of
"Twinkle, Twinkle" a little more closely. The complete song is what is called
an ABA form with a Bridge (the B) which is an antecedent of the second A and
ties in to it. This is what we mean by saying that the Bridge is
"antecedent-oriented". This Bridge is composed of 2 sets of 2
(at Level 0),
the first cell with the notes GF and the second with the notes ED.
We seem to agree on the antecedent nature of the complete bridge
and of each set of 2 cells, including the C(6)/G harmony at the end of each set.
Now, the first cell of each set is an antecedent of the second cell
and rhythmically even more "antecedent-oriented" than the second cell.
Since the C(6)/G7 harmony is more antecedent-oriented than the Cmaj7/F harmony,
it seems the logical choice. We agree that the note F is on the Beat of a cell,
but it is at a relatively small level (0) and one must also consider its Off-beat
nature with respect to the Beat of the next cell at larger levels (+1 and +2).
Level 0 is important but it is not alone, the larger levels also having their
say in the structure of the complete product. Now, let's have a closer look
at this motrix on the Beat of the first (and third) cell.
It creates movement on this Beat, making it kinetic and resolving to the
Off-beat of the next cell. At level +1, this resolution takes place on the
Off-beat of the first (and second) cell, creating a
In this rebound (always at Level +1), the G7 is a
tenantchord of the following C, and, without this tenant chord,
we have a C(6)/G progression (M3), the
best possible solution.
Back at Level 0, this G7 acts as a Langer Hinge
in the fusion of cells 1 and 2 (as well as 3 and 4), both in the Harmony
and in the Melody (the motrix being there). Thanks for your interest and for
your pertinent observations.