1. Functional Tuning Construction Table
See TABLE-1 and use the BACK button to return.>/hlink>
Each value in this table represents the distance of a note from "D", the central note of the natural diatonic system. These distances are indicated in thousandths of an octave (Milli-Logarithms base 2, abbreviated ML2). Each note is situated in the octave between "D" 000.0000 and "D" 1000.0000.
The traditional measure for these distances is the cent, defined as a hundredth of an equi-tempered semi-tone. There are therefore 1,200 cents in the octave. For those desiring to transpose to this form of measure, the following formula must be applied Distance in ML2 X 1.2 = Distance in cents. Since we are here interested in Just Intonation and not in Equi-temperament, measure in ML2 seems more appropriate than that in cents.
First column The first column contains the notes of Trunk Tuning (Pythagorean), generated uniquely with the perfect fifth (proportion - 3/2) around the central note "D", colored as a COMMON TONE. The proportion 3/2 is represented as 1.5. The logarithm base 2 of 1.5 is .5849625. Multiplying by 1000 to get ML2s, we have 584.9625 which is found at the note "A", colored as a PROPER TONE. If we add 584.9625 we will get the ML2 distance of all the notes above D in this column. If we subtract 584.9625 we will get all the notes below D in this column. To keep everything between 0 and 1000, we must keep adding or subtracting 1000 whenever required.
Second column The second column contains the notes of Short Branch Tuning (natural) generated with the major third (proportion - 5/4) used only once. The proportion 5/4 is represented as 1.25. The logarithm base 2 of 1.25 is .3219281. Multiplying by 1000 to get ML2s, we have 321.9281 which is found at the note "F#-", colored as a MEDIAN. If we add 321.9281 to the bottom note of a FRAME (in column 1), we will get the major MEDIAN of the FRAME (indicated "-"). If we subtract 321.9281 from the top note of the FRAME, (in column 1), we will get the minor MEDIAN of the FRAME (indicated "+").
Third column The third column contains the notes of Long Branch Tuning (natural) generated with the major third used twice. Multiplying the size of the major third in ML2s by 2 (321.9281 X 2 = 643.8562) gives us the size of the augmented fifth which is found at the note "A#--", colored as a MOTRIX. If we add 643.8562 to any note in column 1, we will get the augmented fifth higher (indicated "--"). If we subtract 643.8562 from any note in column 1, we will get the augmented fifth lower (indicated "++").
2. Table of Progressive Pitch
See TABLE-2 and use the BACK button to return.>/hlink>
The elements in this table are presented (from bottom to top) in order of increasing pitch from D to D.
The column(s) titled - TT(Trunk Tuning), SB (Short Branch Tuning), LB (Long Branch Tuning), contain the notes of the Funcional Tuning CONSTRUCTION TABLE; T-12 contains the notes of Equi-tempered tuning, with the octave divided into 12 equal parts; T-7 contains the notes of an imaginary system without Chrominicism, with the octave divided into 7 equal parts.
The following columns indicate the position of each note given in Frequency (vitrations per second) in Hertz, Proportion (ratio) of the frequency divided by the frequency of D (293.6648 Hz); the distance between this note and the note D, as a proportion, and, ML2 (Milli-Logarithm base 2 of this proportion) the distance between this note and the note D in thousandths of an octave.
The last 2 columns indicate the distance (in ML2) of each note from certain points of reference Diff. T-7, from the note of the same name in 7-part tuning which indicates the precise Chrominic Position of the note; Diff. T-12, from the note of the same name in Equi-trempered tuning which indicates "how out of tune" each note is in Equi-tempered tuning.
To see the other sections of Just Intonation
Natural Harmonics