Harmony/Transformations/Metamorphoses/Mixing/0 and 1

Sequence of 2 Metamorphoses

The only possibility is 01 (10 being the same sequence starting on 1 rather than on 0).

The 01 sequence
If we start on the usual C6 TONIC chord, (which remains the same with 0),
     the next would be G7 which changes (with 1) to G6,
then Dm7, (which remains the same with 0),
     then G6 which changes (with 1) to G7,
and back to the original C6, producing a 4-chord sequence,
     composed of C6-G6 / Dm7-G7, which repeats indefinitely, below-left,
          what we could call an enlarged, "wider" swing from C6 to Dm7.

mixmeta01hs. . .mixmeta10hs

This swing would evidently be more natural and more useful in the nucleus of the major mode,
     a fifth lower, with the chord sequence F6-C6-G7-C+7 (COUNTER-TONIC-DOMINANT-TONIC).
          However, it might be simpler to merely inverse the Metamorphosis sequence (10 rather than 01) -
Starting on the usual C6 TONIC chord, which changes (with 1) to C+7,
     the next would be F6, (which remains the same with 0),
then C+7, which changes (with 1) to C6,
     then G7 (which remains the same with 0),
and back to the original C6, producing a 4-chord sequence,
     composed of C+7--F6 / C6-G7, which repeats indefinitely, above-right (see Voice-leading).
          All this is evidently transposable to any key, in any other mode.

Sequence of 3 Metamorphoses

There are 2 possibilities here - 011 and 001
     (all other combinations being the result of starting elsewhere)

The 011 sequence
If we start on the usual C6 TONIC chord, (which remains the same with 0),
     the next would be G7 which changes (with 1) to G6,
     then Dm7 which changes (with 1) to Dm6,
then Am7, (which remains the same with 0),
     then Dm6 which changes (with 1) to Dm7,
     then G6 which changes (with 1) to G7,
and back to the original C6, producing a 6-chord sequence,
     composed of C6-G6-Dm6 / Am7-Dm 7-G7, which repeats indefinitely,
          an even "wider" swing than with the 01 sequence, from C6 to Am7.


This swing very conveniently travels from the Diatonic Major Mode TONIC (C)
          to the Diatonic Minor Mode TONIC (Am) and back,
     with ANTE-2-ANTE-1-DOMINANT / TONIC in each mode,
          evidently transposable to any key.
     To see the Voice-leading

The 100 sequence
If we start on the Em7 ANTE-3 chord, which has been changed (with 1) from Em-6,
     the next would be Am-6, (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to Em7, (which remains the same with 0),
then again back to Am-6 which changes (with 1) to Am7,
     then Dm6, (which remains the same with 0),
     then Am7, (which remains the same with 0),
then Dm6 which changes (with 1) to Dm7,
     then G6, (which remains the same with 0),
     then Dm7, (which remains the same with 0),
then G6 which changes (with 1) to G7,
     then C6, (which remains the same with 0),
     then G7, (which remains the same with 0),
then C, chord of rest, producing a 13-chord sequence,
     composed of Em7-Am-6-Em7 / Am7-Dm 6-Am7 / Dm7-G6-Dm7 / G7-C6-G 7 / C,
          which completes the half-circle from Em7 to C, ornamented by "mini-swings" along the way.


It would evidently have been quite simple to start on C6 and go right around the complete circle with 100.
          All this is possible in any other key.

Sequence of 4 Metamorphoses

There are 3 possibilities here - 0111, 0001, and 0011
     (all other combinations being the result of starting elsewhere).

The 0111 sequence
If we start on the usual C6 TONIC chord, (which remains the same with 0),
     the next would be G7 which changes (with 1) to G6,
     then Dm7 which changes (with 1) to Dm6,
     then Am7 which changes (with 1) to Am-6,
then Em7, (which remains the same with 0),
     then Am-6 which changes (with 1) to Am7,
     then Dm6 which changes (with 1) to Dm7,
     then G6 which changes (with 1) to G7,
and back to the original C6 (which remains the same with 0), producing a 8-chord sequence,
     composed of C6-G6-Dm6-Am-6 / Em7-Am7-Dm7-G7, which repeats indefinitely,
          an even "wider" swing than with the 011 sequence.
This swing travels from the Diatonic Major Mode TONIC (C)
     to the Diatonic Minor Mode COUNTER (Em) and back,
          evidently transposable to any key.


The 0001 sequence
If we start on the usual C6 TONIC chord, (which remains the same with 0),
the next would be G7 (which remains the same with 0),
then C6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then G7 which changes (with 1) to G6,
then Dm7, (which remains the same with 0),
then G6, (which remains the same with 0),
then Dm7, (which remains the same with 0),
     then G6 which changes (with 1) to G7,
and back to the original C6 (which remains the same with 0), producing an 8-chord sequence,
     composed of C6-G7-C6-G6 / Dm7-G6-Dm7-G7, which repeats indefinitely.
          We have here another version of our 01 swing, because the first two 0s cancel each other,
               producing smaller "mini-swings" along the way (as in the 100 circle).


This swing would evidently be more natural and more useful in the nucleus of the major mode,
     with the chord sequence F6-C+7-F6-C6 / G7-C6-G7-C+7 , a fifth lower.
          However, it might be simpler to merely inverse the Metamorphosis sequence (1000 rather than 0001).


          like other examples, transposable to any key, in any other mode.

The 1100 sequence
If we start on the usual C6 TONIC chord, which changes (with 1) to C+7,
the next would be F6 which changes (with 1) to F+7,
     then Bm-6-5, (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to F+7, (which remains the same with 0),
then back again to Bm-6-5 which changes (with 1) to Bm7-5,
then Em-6 which changes (with 1) to Em7,
     then Am-6, (which remains the same with 0),
     then Em7, (which remains the same with 0),
then Am-6 which changes (with 1) to Am7,
then Dm6 which changes (with 1) to Dm7,
     then G6, (which remains the same with 0),
     then Dm7, (which remains the same with 0),
then G6 which changes (with 1) to G7,
then C6 which changes (with 1) to C+7,
     then F6, (which remains the same with 0),
     then C, chord of rest, producing a 16-chord sequence,
          composed of C+7-F+7-Bm-6-5-F+7-Bm7-5-Em7-Am-6-Em7-Am7-Dm7-G6-Dm7-G7-C+7-F6-C,
               which completes the full circle, ornamented by "mini-swings" along the way.


     To see the Voice-leading

Sequence of 5 Metamorphoses

There are 6 possibilities here - 01111, 00011,01010, 10000, 11100, and 01011
     (all other combinations being the result of starting elsewhere)

The 01111 sequence

The 00011 sequence

The 01010 sequence

The 10000 sequence

The 11100 sequence

The 01011 sequence