Harmony/Transformations/Metamorphoses/Mixing/0 and 4

Sequence of 2 Metamorphoses

The only possibility is 04 (40 being the same sequence starting on 4 rather than on 0).

The 40 sequence
If we start on the TONIC C6 chord, which changes (with 4) to Am7,
     the next would be Dm6 (which remains the same with 0),
then back to Am7, which changes (with 4) to C6,
     then G7 (which remains the same with 0),
and back to the original C6, producing a 4-chord sequence,
     composed of C6Am7 - Dm6 / Am7C6 - G7, which repeats indefinitely,
          a wide swing in which we jump with the Metamorphosis 4 rather than progress normally.


     To see the Voice-leading

Sequence of 3 Metamorphoses

There are 2 possibilities here - 044 and 004
     (all other combinations being the result of starting elsewhere)

The 440 sequence
If we start on the F6 COUNTER chord, which changes (with 4) to Dm7,
the next would be G6 which changes (with 4) to Em7,
     then Am-6 (which remains the same with 0),
then back to Em7, which changes (with 4) to G6,
then Dm7 which changes (with 4) to F6,
     then C+7 (which remains the same with 0),
and back to the original F6, producing a 6-chord sequence,
     composed of F6Dm7 - G6Em7 - Am-6 / Em7G6 - Dm7F6 - C+7, which repeats indefinitely,
          a very wide swing from F6 to Em7 in which we jump with Metamorphosis 4 rather than progress normally.


     To see the Voice-leading

The 400 sequence
If we start on the C6 TONIC chord, which changes (with 4) to Am7,
     the next would be Dm6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to Am7 (which also remains the same with 0),
and back to Dm6, which changes (with 4) to Bm7-5,
     then Em-6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to Bm7-5 (which also remains the same with 0),
and back to Em-6, which changes (with 4) to C+7
     then F6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to C+7 (which also remains the same with 0),
and back to F6, which changes (with 4) to Dm7
     then G6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to Dm7 (which also remains the same with 0),
and back to G6, which changes (with 4) to Em7
     then Am-6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to Em7 (which also remains the same with 0),
and back to Am-6, which changes (with 4) to F+7
     then Bm-6-5 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to F+7 (which also remains the same with 0),
and back to Bm-6-5, which changes (with 4) to G7
     then C6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to G7 (which also remains the same with 0),
then C, chord of rest, producing a 22-chord sequence,
     composed of C6Am7 - Dm6 - Am7 / Dm6Bm7-5 - Em-6 - Bm7-5 / Em-6C+7 - F6 - C+7 / F6Dm7 - G6 - Dm7 /
          G6Em7 - Am-6 - Em7 / Am-6F+7 - Bm-6-5 - F+7 / Bm-6-5G7 - C6 - G7 / C,
               a circle, several in fact, which progress in a scale-like order with 2-fifth strides,
                    with short Swing "loops" at the end of each bar.


     To see the Voice-leading

Sequence of 4 Metamorphoses

There are 3 possibilities here - 0444, 0004, and 0044
     (all other combinations being the result of starting elsewhere).

The 4440 sequence

The 4000 sequence

The 4004 sequence
If we start on the C6 TONIC chord, which changes (with 4) to Am7,
     the next would be Dm6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to Am7 (which also remains the same with 0),
then back again to Dm6 which changes (with 4) to Bm7-5,
the next would be Em-6 which changes (with 4) to C+7,
     the next would be F6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to C+7 (which also remains the same with 0),
then back again to F6 which changes (with 4) to Dm7,
the next would be G6 which changes (with 4) to Em7,
     the next would be Am-6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to Em7 (which also remains the same with 0),
then back again to Am-6 which changes (with 4) to F+7,
the next would be Bm-6-5 which changes (with 4) to G7,
     the next would be C6 (which remains the same with 0),
     then back to G7 (which also remains the same with 0),
then C, chord of rest, producing a 16-chord sequence,
     composed of C6Am7 - Dm6 - Am7 / Dm6Bm7-5 - Em-6C+7 - F6 - C+7 / F6Dm7 -
                         G6Em7 - Am-6 - Em7 / Am-6F+7 - Bm-6-5G7 - C6 - G7 / C,
               another circle which progresses in a scale-like order with 2-fifth strides,
                    with short Swing "loops" at the end of each bar.


     To see the Voice-leading