There are 10 kinds of people :
those who understand binary
and those who don't.

Rhythm is fundamentally binary, and any ternary groupings (or subdivisions) evolve from the basic binary.

Structure of the World of Time
Rhythm is the most fundamental component of Music. It is felt throughout the whole body, rooted to the ground by the feet, and transmitted to the mind and to the spirit. So far, very little has been thought, said, or written about Rhythm and a truly clear and comprehensive presentation is still to be made.

The Preface is titled "The Structure of Time" and consists of
     - The Unknown Container,
          a philosophical and historical presentation,
     - Alternation,
          the Qualitative Dimension of the World of Time, and
     - a Code (the Rcode),
          which identifies the quality and position
               of each note in a piece of music.
Alternation is the only pertinent prerequisite to the rest of the volume. The other 2 sections can wait until later.

Basic Materials and Transformations
Both the Footsies (to feel the Rhythm) and the Graphics (to see the Rhythm) will be very useful.

This one is really worth waiting for.

Harmony and Rhythm can very well be seen at the same time, since they operate quite independently of each other and will only meet in the Melody Volume.

Navigation Hint
The titles of the menu columns are active and can serve collectively as a Level-1-Chapter menu, while each column serves individually as a Level-2-Chapter menu.